Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Turn On the People in Any Organization Essay Example for Free

Turn On the People in Any Organization Essay The pages of human history daubed in bloodshed on account t of World Wars I and II, war unleashed by Japan at Nanking, the Civil War of USA and many other small and big violent incidents ask the crying question. How to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and direct. Eyes full of understanding, heart full of love and the life that refuses conflicts- these alone are enough! Most of the violence is for monetary gains, acquisition of territory, and to feed vanity. The materialistic civilization, the industrial and internet revolutions, have unleashed a new war, without actually declaring it. This relentless war is fought on day to day basis in the stock exchanges. Each Nation wants to become economically powerful and prevent others from becoming powerful! â€Å"Today, man is being destroyed by the inner conviction of uselessness and no amount of economic growth can compensate for this loss. † How long can we confront Nature to achieve better standards of living and better standards of life? Reconciliation with the eternal principles of Nature is the need of the hour to achieve genuine peace and prosperity and we need to learn a lot from the Plant and Animal Kingdom. If they can live in accordance with their own Nature in a peaceful manner, why can’t the human beings? Gung-ho is the Chinese language phrase. It is derived from gongye hezuoshe, which means industrial worker’s co-operative. Karl Marx must be shifting in his grave with the mention of this word. Such co-operatives were established for the benefit of workers by Rewi Alley and his team. State who the animal characters of the book are, and why they are important: The three animal characters mentioned refer to three Native American lessons. Champions of commerce and industrial magnates have accepted the supremacy of computer applications, and perhaps have come to the conclusion that this is the only path for economic ascendancy. For such individuals this book has something special and novel. The lessons for organizational turnaround are: The Spirit of the Squirrel, the lesson is one of the powers of worthwhile work. The Way of the Beaver, the lesson is accomplished through empowerment. The Gift of the Goose, the lesson is the exponential factor of motivation. Continuous application, relentless efforts is the key to success. They say, ‘have a will to grow and grow you will! ’ Apply each creature to a management situation; Any management situation, there is one permanent, irrevocable relationship. It is between one human being to another human being. Give respect and take respect—very simple! When you use the best adjectives you can form a wonderful sentence. Similarly, happy, motivated, empowered and encouraged members, who work with the sense of responsibility, can bring nothing but cheer to the financial results of a company. Leadership should score over management; the end-results will be precedent-shattering. â€Å"The Gift of the Goose† is the factor in motivation for an employee who finds himself in a discouraging situation and feels trapped. I know an instance of a bank accountant sending the recovery notice to a dairy unit owner who had lost his two cows that died under mysterious circumstances and he was unable to pay the loan installments. Selling milk of the cows was his only source income. From where would the poor man repay the loan? When this incident came to the notice of the Senior Manager of the Bank, he advised the accountant to give him further loan for buying four cows. He would maintain himself with the profit from the milk from two cows and with the other portion of the profit he would repay the loan amount of the bank! The right decision at the right time, saved the borrower from ruin, and the Banks loan was also repaid fully. Explain what you have learned from each character: Work is worship is not mere the spiritual quote; its practical utility is great. The beauty of the work done with sincerity and dedication is something special. For the best output, basic conditions need to be created for the employees to become basically sound and industrious. When there is a free working environment, when restrictions are less, and one has freedom to take decisions, the results would be encouraging. Those who work only commit mistakes. One who walks will at times stumble. Positive attitude and right frame of mind are the fundamentals to get the results. This is the sum and substance of the messages of the Squirrel, the Beaver and the Goose. Specifically, the principle involved in the example of Squirrel, is that even the small and insignificant looking beings make the difference in the world by their active presence. One needs to cultivate the habit of making the world a better place. We need to have common goals and shared ideals. The Beaver principle is, give the workers the long rope, within the well-defined boundaries. Let them work in a free atmosphere; let them not feel suffocated under the pressure of repeated orders, modifications and revised orders. Teach them to control themselves. The Goose principle, is let good work be appreciated, even the mild rebuke needs to be on an encouraging note. Trust them, and they will give better results. Console them, instead of questioning them. Congratulate them at the earliest opportunity. Choose one or more traits that you would like to emulate, and explain why you feel that way; The Spirit of the Squirrel, the lesson is one of the powers of worthwhile work. The three core ideas of Gung Ho are simple yet profound! : Worthwhile work guided by goals and values; putting workers in control of their production; and cheering one another on. What you do is no doubt important; but how you do, what you do is more important. I like this trait immensely, as it the only way to carry out duties and responsibilities in a peaceful manner. They say, â€Å"It is better to deserve without receiving, than to receive without deserving. † Participation in action is always better than renunciation of action. The modern combustible younger generation wishes to have proof for everything and will not accept anything, unless convinced about it scientifically. Well, here is the proof for the assured reward for productivity. –every action, has the reaction and the intensity of reaction is in proportion to the intensity of the action. Over which there is no dispute between the scientists and the spiritualists. One of the rare agreements between the two contending forces; the two opposing forces; the forces that do not see eye to eye with other! This is the solid foundation on which one needs to base one’s understanding, as one is bound to get rewards for one’s loyalty and hard work. Its timing is not the domain of the human being. Right things will happen at the right time and this need not be doubted at all. Gung-Ho approach solidifies such a belief. What changes would you like to see in your own life after reading this book? One of the important guidelines that I got from this book is about interaction with the people; how important it is in day to day disposition in life. Doing appropriate things at the appropriate time, gives positive results. How disciplined and regular are the animals in doing their duty ordained to them by Nature. They never falter. They never disobey the rules. Their food habit is disciplined. They won’t harm anyone without reason. Their traits are decided and certain. I need to learn much by observing the nature of the animals. I need to perform my duty to the best of my ability and judgment, not because someone is telling me, not because my boss is ordering, but because, but only because, to live by hard work is the correct way of life. Another important change in my life is that I begin to love animals and birds, take interest to study their nature, read books on them, and wonder what an important role Nature has provided for them in the beautification and maintenance of flora and fauna around us. Talk about what you liked or did not like about the book. The book is very helpful in creating a work and management culture of excellence. It provides elucidation of notable points to the leaders to increase their knowledge, skills and motivation. It tells that sharing of information is the road to prosperity. It assists in front-line decision making. Productivity is the top concern in any commercial or industrial establishment. And you have to create conditions for its willing acceptance of that expected productivity in the workplace. The employees can build an organization; just as sometimes it is claimed that the employees can break it. Every employer wishes to have the builder. An inspired employee is an asset to any organization in the ultra-competitive business world of the modern day. The traditional concept that the customer is king is assuming new dimensions. How to secure unflinching loyalty for products and how to retain the employees in top gear, as for productivity and the latent creative joy! Gung Ho has solid answers for such situations. This not the book to read and keep aside! It is the reference book, and as one faces different situations in life, the practical examples given will be beneficial to find an appropriate solution. The authors have developed a pleasant way of telling about the leadership qualities and management principles through the example of animals and birds. The principles elucidated in this book can be applied for small as well as big businesses. The book concretely tells how a business establishment on the verge of failure was converted into a success empire. References: Blanchard, Ken: Book: Gung Ho! Turn On the People in Any Organization. Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: William Morrow; 1 edition (October 8, 1997) Language: English ISBN-10: 068815428X ISBN-13: 978-0688154288

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