Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ghost Story Essay

Examinations are tests for evaluating a student’s knowledge. The present system of education ignores the student’s individual skills and intelligence. Parents and teachers judge a student’s potential through examinations. The Indian system of education is based on the pattern set up by the British. Nothing much is taught beyond the syllabus and only examinations determine the degree or grade of a student. Various Commission, which were set up to improve this system recommended practical training and periodical tests. Cheating, leaking of question papers and other corrupt practices, that have cropped up in the examination system should be checked. the aim of education should be to equip the student to face the tough battle of life. Examinations aim at judging a student’s knowledge in a specific time frame and in analyzing whether the student has gone through a certain course of study satisfactorily. Tests enable the teacher to know how well the student has understood the subject. A good result makes the teacher as well as the parents happy. The effort of the teacher is rewarded when a student passes an examination and vice versa. Thus, a teacher’s dedication towards his profession is judged through examination. Examinations help the parents to assess their child’s capability. Parents become proud of their children when they perform well in the examinations. Students become alert when examinations are at their door step. They utilize their time for preparation. Examinations make them work hard for scoring good marks. Some schools award citations and certificate and give scholarships to those students who excel. Such awards prompt the students to work hard. Examinations help the teachers and the parents in analyzing the amount of labor put in by the students in gaining knowledge. Teaching is always followed by tests because the tests give an impression as to how well the students have understood the subject. A good result helps the teacher feel relieved at his success in imparting education to his pupils while a bad result indicates that there is a need of more effort on the teacher’s part. Thus, examinations are also a means of judging a teacher’s dedication towards his profession. With the help of the result of examinations parents can make the right assessment of their child’ caliber. If he is weak in his studies, they could guide him further in the subject. f his performance is up to the satisfaction of his parents, they would be proud of him. However, there are certain flaws in the examination system. The system of education in India is based on the pattern set up by the British. The knowledge imparted is restricted to the syllabus. Students are taught according to the prescribed syllabus. Nothing much is taught beyond the syllabus. When a student is unable to gasp a particular subject, the seeks private tuitions or enrolls himself in a coaching institute. Students tend to learn their subjects by heart, without applying their mind. Thus, cramming enables many students to pass examinations. Most students look towards their examinations with an anxious mind. They, at a very young age, begin to feel the tension and stress of examinations. Examinations are just the first in a series of tests that initiate young ones into a competitive world. But the importance attached to them is unreasonably high. During the examination period and till the result is declared, not only the students but also their parents and tutors remain tensed. It is cast as a do-or-die battle. Students do not have enough spare time for games and are unable to give wings to their hobbies due to the burden of examinations. Failure in the examination arouses a felling of low self esteem and negative self-image in the minds of the students. At times, students break down under pressure to perform and resort to extreme measures like running away from their homes or even committing suicide. Today school psychologists or school counselors give them proper advice to increase the efficiency of learning in schools and handle to pressure of examination. A positive mental state can improve one’s chances of success. Leakage of question papers, copying and cheating in examination halls have become a common affair. Bribery and other corrupt practices also have crept into the examination system. Even some of the teachers check the examination papers without assessing them properly, as a result of which students suffers. Examinations give a degree or a grade to the student. The prevailing system of education does not help the students to make their career in life or to earn a decent living. The youth who fails to get the desired percentage of marks suffer the most. In order to overcome the shortcomings present in our educational system, many Education Commissions were set up from time to time to suggest changes in the pattern. Action on their suggestions Central Board of Secondary Education and other State Boards of Secondary Education decided to introduce a separate steam of vocational education. According to Educational experts, ongoing evaluation is more effective than board examinations. They have recommended that Class X examinations be made mandatory only for those who want to opt out of formal education. Further, it has been suggested that class XII examination be staggered over a two-year period. They have recommended the need for a new pattern which would impart education thought training. Educational experts feel that the educational system being obsolete and redundant is not serving the purpose of educating the youth. They have felt the need to evaluate a student’s performance during the whole year. This could make the examination system more acceptable. According to the new method adopted by many public schools, examinations would remain a part and parcel of the education system. However, periodic tests will be held at regular intervals. The syllabus would include practice exercise at the end of each lesson. This will help the student in grasping the subject matter properly. The aim of education should be to equip the student for the tough battle of life, build his character and personality, widen his sphere of knowledge and qualify him for employment. The student should not only be taught lessons from books but also lessons from practical life. The educational system should not only be theoretical and academic but also give practical knowledge. Students should not be encouraged for rote learning. Projects and term papers may encourage an engagement with the subject matter and are more likely to add sum and substance to a student’s knowledge base. When History, Geography and Maths are reduced to mere digits on a mark sheet, they cease to inspire, give joy, or nurture the faculty of inquiry. Nevertheless, the system of examination, prevalent for centuries, cannot be changed overnight. It will take some time to change the system. While this transition take place, the corrupt practices, cheating and leakage of question papers related to examinations should be checked. Parents should not make their love conditional to the performance of their children in the examinations. Their expectation level should be reasonable. With this and with the revised system of education, examination will prove beneficial for the students. Good health is a boon. It is the real jewel of life, the most precious possession of man. If a man losses his health, the world losses all it § charms for him. A good wealth of health can be obtained in a number of ways. It needs regular exercise, good food, good thoughts, and cleanliness. A healthy person does not spend money on medicines and visiting doctors. Just opposite, a sluggish person is another form of hell of diseases. The simplest and most traditional definition of health is that it is the freedom of sickness and diseases. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), a branch of the United Nations, health is physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease. Next to life itself, good health is the most precious gift and is necessary for a purposeful existence. ‘Sound mind in a sound body’ is an old saying. Healthy persons can work for long hours without getting tired. They can enjoy all the pleasures of life, whereas unhealthy pe rsons can’t. The world has no charm for them. They are always worried due to their physical complications. Wealth has no importance for them. To keep good health no money is needed. It can be achieved only through our efforts and proper health care. We can maintain good health only if we are aware of various factors which affect our health. There are certain things which are essential for keeping our body free from diseases. Nutritious food comes first. We should takeVpnly that food which has nutritious value. Some regularity in life is also important for good health. We should get up early in the morning, go out for a walk, breathe in fresh air to keep our lungs clean and in good order, and take brisk walk, move arms while walking. Maintaining clean habits is also important in this regard. If we don’t take bath regularly, don’t wear clean clothes, don’t eat fresh food, we may develop physical complications in the long run. Hence regularities, good habits and cleanliness have great value in maintaining good health. Balancing sleep and rest are also useful in this regard. We know that a great deal of the waste matter in our bodies escaped by means of the skin, which contains many millions of tiny drainpipes called ‘pores’. If we neglect keeping our bodies clean, these pores get choked up and the waste matter cannot escape. Hence we must keep this important point in our mind and do accordingly. Laughter is the best medicine of good health. So, we should keep calm by overcoming anger, greed, fear, envy and enmity. Life of a healthy man is his long lasting wealth. It makes him able to enjoy life to the full. Those who are wealthy may not always be healthy but the healthy people are always wealthy. Sayings about health and wealth have been noted throughout time. Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying, â€Å"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.† This has been a popular saying for centuries. The saying health is wealth may also inspire the belief that without good health, a wealthy man cannot fully enjoy his riches. Conversely, a healthy individual has the potential to achieve his goals. An individual in excellent health may have the ability to become wealthy, but a person who is ailing may never have the opportunity to bring his dreams to life. When a quote or saying becomes widely used and extremely popular, it generally tends to be passed on throughout the years. Health is wealth is one of those sayings that has remained popular for many years. In the study of language and humanities, the common phrase health is wealth can be classified as a mainstay expression. Quotes have been coined from many philosophers and authors throughout history. Health is wealth may be known as a phrase, a saying, or an expression. Another saying or expression that has similar meaning is â€Å"When you have your health, you have everything.† This saying means that the healthy individual is extremely wealthy in a fundamental way.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Spleen In North India Health And Social Care Essay

Spleen is a reticulo-endothelial and lymphoid organ and sometimes works as hematopoietic organ. Otherwise this organ is cemetery of RBCs. Spleen is enlarged in assorted clinical upsets e.g. infection, metamorphosis or storage upset and haematological abnormalities1,2. Spleen is ne'er tangible boulder clay it is enlarged two-three times of its ain size3. There are many manners of probe to place the hypertrophied spleen e.g.-plane radiogram, echography, computed imaging, MRI and radionuclide scan. Out of these modes echography and computed imaging are most dependable for intra-abdominal organs4. Assorted surveies were done by echography to analyze the additive dimension of spleen-length, breadth, and thickness. But CT-based additive dimension are still unavailable. Unfortunately, dimensions determined by 2-D USG are limited preponderantly by the variable, irragular contour of lien but besides by the trouble in wholly scanning the full organ or visualising complete contours as a consequ ence of the presence of overlying constructions such as bone, intestine gas or kidney5. CT imagination is more accurate than echography because this drawback doesnot occur with computed tomography6, 7, 8. CT scans of 126 patients ( 72 male and 54 female ) were used to mensurate the volume of lien. The age of patients ranged from 20 to 70 years ( 50.33Â ±18.9yrs ) ( Table-I ) . The information was collected from December 2006 to April 2007 with permission of Department of Radio-diagnosis, KGMU Lucknow and informed consent taken from each patient. CT scans were obtained for assorted clinical indicants and followup of abdominal injury, abdominal hurting and to except an abdominal mass or adenopathy. The patient ‘s organic structure weight and tallness at or near the clip of the CT scrutiny were recorded. Spleen axial and transverse sectional image were obtained a CT Helical instrument. The proficient parametric quantities were 120 kv potency, 120 ma current, 10mm piece breadth with indistinguishable Reconstruction index and a rotary motion clip of 1.5 secs. The medical records of all patients were reviewed. Patients whose liens appeared unnatural on CT scans were excluded. Additio nally, any patients who had clinical, biochemical or imaging grounds of conditions that could impact the size of the lien, haematological upsets, abdominal malignances, infection and portal high blood pressure, splenetic injury, cyst, and auto-immune diseases were excluded from the survey. CT-scan dicom images of each patient were opened in Able-3D-doctor package. Spleen is identified in each cross subdivision and longitudinal subdivision of CT-scan images. The length of lien recorded in longitudinal subdivision along 10th rib in cephalo-caudal way ( figure-1 ) . Width of lien besides recorded in longitudinal way ( figure-2 ) but thickness measured in cross-section image ( figure 3 ) . All dimensions were recorded maximal appreciated in subdivisions for better truth. All statistics were generated by SPSS version 10.The pupil T-test was used for comparing of agencies. P & A ; lt ; 0.05 was considered important for comparing of agencies and for arrested development analysis. Association between splenetic dimensions and physical criterions of patients was assessed with the Pearson correlativity coefficient ; to place the exact form of relationship, non-linear arrested development every bit good as additive arrested development was applied. Multiple arrested development analysis was applied in backward stepwise manner to prove the independent consequence of all physical criterions on splenetic parametric quantities. Frank et Al used conventional echography to measure 793 healthy patients ( 17-82yrs. ) and found that 95 % of patients had splenetic length & A ; lt ; 11cm, breadth & A ; lt ; 7cm and thickness & A ; lt ; 5cm9. Niederau et al studied 915 healthy topics utilizing echography and found that average longitudinal and cross diameter of lien to be 5.8Â ±1.8 centimeter and 5.5Â ±1.4 centimeter severally. These dimensions were much smaller than other surveies because writer did non mensurate maximal dimension10. Picardi et Al. found average longitudinal dimension of spleen ranged from 8 to 11 centimeter ( average: 9.5 centimeter ) 11. Mittal et Al. performed pilot survey of normal measuring of spleen by echography on Rajasthani population and found mean length of spleen 9.40Â ±0.91 centimeter in males and 9.34Â ±0.95 centimeter in females12. In older topics they found average length of spleen 9.64Â ±0.64 centimeter. Spielmann et Al, mean length of lien was found to be 11.4Â ±1.7 centime ter in males and 10.3Â ±1.3 centimeter in females13. Konus et Al. found average longitudinal dimension: 10.1Â ±1.03 cm13. In our survey intend splenetic length in North Indian population was 10.67Â ±1.62 centimeter ( female: 10.34Â ±1.58 and male 10.91Â ±1.67 centimeter, P & A ; gt ; 0.05 ) 14. Mittal et Al. measured mean breadth of lien in male every bit good as female 3.45Â ±0.59 centimeter and 3.59Â ±0.55 centimeter. Average breadth of lien measured by Spielmann was 5.0Â ±0.8 in males and 4.2Â ±0.7 centimeter in females. In our survey average breadth of spleen 8.61Â ±1.58 centimeter ( male: 9.74Â ±1.62 centimeter and female 9.26Â ±1.66 centimeter, P & A ; gt ; 0.05 ) and average thickness of spleen 4.86Â ±1.22cm ( female: 4.70Â ±1.19 centimeter and male: 4.97Â ±1.29 centimeter, P & A ; gt ; 0.05 ) .These all dimension of spleen best correlated with tallness of the patients ( scatter plot-1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ) . Age of individual had important negative correlativity with cephalo-caudal length of spleen but rest of splenetic dimension did non hold important correlativity with age ( scatter plot-1.4, 1.5, 1.6 ) .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Changes of Technology into the Teaching Profession Essay

Changes of Technology into the Teaching Profession - Essay Example With this, it can categorically be said that the teaching profession has gone a long way to jive with the innovations in technology. In regard to the aforesaid facts, this paper aims to explore the salient changes of technology into the teaching profession. Moreover, the discussion and analysis shall be based on relevant references that showcase reputable research evidences, thereby exemplifying the intent of this paper. According to Crader and Bridgforth (1996), the benefits of technology into the teaching profession are generally positive. Such benefits were enlisted in the research conducted by the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) and are quoted as follows: Furthermore, it was also figured that technology has made "a real difference" with the way educators implement their teaching methods and skills (Center for Technology in Education, qtd. in Crader and Bridgforth "Recent Research on the Effects of Technology"). This is evidenced by the integration of telecommunications into teaching, where telecommunication activities are being conducted with students, thus enabling teachers to spend more time with individual students and less time in making traditional lectures to the whole class, in so doing, it would allow students to carry out a more independent work (Honey, 1993, qtd. in Crader and Bridgforth "Recent Research on the Effects of Technology"). These changes signify the shift from the traditional direct approaches to a more student-centered approach in teaching (Crader and Bridgforth "Recent Research on the Effects of Technology"). Hence, technology is hailed as a driving force that geared towards improved teaching and learning (Sel din "Improving College Teaching"). On the other hand, for technology to be effective in the field of teaching, certain skills and tasks are required to ensure the appropriateness of its implementation, as well as successful adaptation to the changes brought about by the advent of technology. Thus, the following are the recommendations from the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA): Integrating and suiting technology into education/teaching goals and standards Having a vision for the use of technology to support curriculum Ensuring access to appropriate technology Providing training for the use of new technology Rendering sufficient administrative support for technology use Providing time for teachers to plan and learn how to integrate technology Providing for ongoing technical support for technology use (OTA, 1995, qtd. in Crader and Bridgforth "Recent Research on the Effects of Technology"). Additionally, a positive disposition, or attitude, towards the application of technology to teaching is a key prerequisite in order to develop the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

British Education System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British Education System - Essay Example With the world economy becoming increasingly borderless, British education offers students a wide range of courses from matriculation to postgraduate levels to suit current market trends. Affordability being a key aspect of the Education British banner, many other measures have been implemented to help students study in the most cost- effective environment possible. Some of these measures include free health-care and the streamlining of all visa applications. Health-care insurance is often one of the biggest worries for international students, who hesitate in paying high premiums for insurance, although it works out cheaper when in need of medical assistance. With the British government's initiatives, all these worries are taken care of as students who are in the Britain for more than six months automatically qualify for the NHS. Another reason why parents send their children to the UK is that colleges and universities there are reputed to provide top quality education which is highly recognized throughout the world. Parents and children are more discerning today in their choice and they are convinced British education will give them value for their money besides offe ring a balanced education. The UK has become an even more attractive education destination then it ever was as students are now in the position to work and study as well as enjoy health benefits that are usually accorded to citizens of a particular country. With the world-class teaching facilities and high achievements in the area of science.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What would you do Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What would you do - Essay Example A friend had advised me that he had on occasion included a line item into his budget called a â€Å"Radio† item that would in essence make a lot of noise and attract attention but could be "unplugged" easily. He said that after the council focused all its attention on that item and it was finally removed, everything else would be approved with little question. The initial dilemma revolves around whether or not I would use some sort of ‘smoke and mirrors’ strategy to pass a budget that I personally believe to be sound. Or do I prepare a budget to the best of my ability and let it come under exceptional scrutiny. What this translates to is that I could examine this scenario from either an egoist perspective in which I would act in accordance with what I personally believe is in my own self interest or if I should view this situation under a utilitarian perspective in which I should choose the solution that brings the greatest good to the greatest number of people. There are a number of externalities to consider in this situation. One major concern is the decision making process of the town council. If it is the case that they are reasonable decision makers than it would be that I would possibly act differently if they are a group of vindictive or corrupt people. Secondly, special consideration must be made on the special conditions or items that I am placing in my own budget. For example, there may be a budget requirement that I believe is necessary for the effective running of a government bureau. If it is unlikely that a council will approve of this budgetary requirement, I may be persuaded to use some underhanded methods (Such as utilizing aggressive sales tactics) to educate the council of the benefits of this line item. Special consideration must be afforded to the idea that there may be some regulatory board that oversees my actions and if I were to use a ‘Radio’ tactic it may be that there are some serious legal ramifications that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Western Culture. Portrayal Of Gender In Ads Essay

Western Culture. Portrayal Of Gender In Ads - Essay Example Many scholars and researchers of popular cultural analysis argue that advertising has contributed to Western society's beliefs and values of gender roles, sex and sexuality. Further, that advertisements represent across the decades reflect the ideals, activities and behaviors of Western culture that has adopted as its social norms, and so reflects the expectations of the genders within these societies (Hogg and Garrow, 2003). They contend that cultural constructions of gender impact on the lives of all people within a society, and that these cultural constructions cannot be differentiated from the lives and images of each gender. Importantly, that is essential for society to understand how advertising can contribute to attitudes about gender relations and the expected gender roles, as well as how these factors impact on individuals constructing their identities and sense of place. However, arguments exist within current discourse of cultural text analysis that advertising over the ye ars has been over-analyzed, so that interpretations of stereotypes and limiting of gender roles are exaggerated (Lukas, 2006). This paper aims to present a visual and textual analysis of advertisements over the past six decades, contending that ads have predominantly stereotyped and objectified women and men.Popular culture contributes to the ways in which society constructs the roles and identities of women and men on a day-to-day basis. In general, individuals within Western society tend to be unable to comprehend the significance of our cultural values as portrayed in advertising. Also, when a person is able to understand the underlying cultural meanings of an ad, they often do not have access to knowledge that would enable them to effectively respond to advertisements that objectify or stereotype gender relationships. Without active cultivation of an individual's cultural literacy, by way of critiquing and reflecting upon advertisements presentation of gender relationships, mean ingful social change is constrained. Hence, to live in a truly democratic society that values equality, respect for differences and the freedom of rights for all, critical and reflective skills need to be learnt by all members of society. An example of a lack of critical insight into the cultural values upheld in advertising is the argument that states 'Ads are fun' (Lukas, 2006). From this point of view, ads are not meant to be taken seriously as they are merely fun forms of entertainment. However, it is evident that many 'fun' ads have underlying messages that reflect and maintain unequal gender relations. In the 1940s it was not uncommon for women to be portrayed as being 'stupid' (see Figure 1, Appendix). During this era women were typically illustrated as belonging to the domestic realm, and as being intellectually inferior to men. To emphasize this characteristic of women, they were visually presented with faces that suggested stupidity. Text accompanying the ad reinforced the message that women say stupid things, or are unable to think for themselves, requiring a man to assist them. For example the text for Figure 1 reads as: You mean a woman can open it! In contrast, men during the decade of 1940-1950 were presented as having authoritarian, dominant and controlling roles as reflected in ads. Especially, they were depicted as being intelligent and as in control (see Figures 2 and 3, Appendix). Women were viewed as subordinate to men, and as having to concern themselves with what the male of the household thought of their efforts to maintain their appearance. As well, women were predominantly concerned with pleasing their man by

Eaarth book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eaarth book - Essay Example The author begins by exploring environmental problems in the current earth or changes that people have caused on the planet. Global warming is a direct consequence of human activity. However, people deal with the problem as a future problem instead of considering it as a modern problem. This makes them to lack seriousness or emphasis on the problem and possible solutions. The phenomenon has also contributed to the abnormalities and misplacement of priorities in the modern earth. For instance, it is only in the eaarth where people will import more oil than food. In addition, in eaarth the largest company deals with production of fossil fuels and manufacture of cars instead of food production (McKibben 25). The misplaced priorities are the determinant of our modern economies. The author argues that most countries are concerned with economic growth than the effects that environmental growth has on their economies. According to the author, the different methods used to measure economic growth are invalid. This is because the different measures of economic growth do not indicate the actual economic position of a country. For instance, measures of economic growth in a country do not capture the effect of economic activities on the environment. â€Å"Therefore, we need to re-define the term growth in our new planet† (McKibben 48). In the second chapter, the author combines scientific findings and political aspirations to create political economics. This indicates that people have left the responsibility of the environment to global politicians. According to the author’s argument, politicians cannot provide solutions by themselves. As wealthy countries such as the US plan for a n unlimited economic growth, poor nations are struggling with problems that have resulted from environmental degradation. This indicates that we are moving towards a dark future. These problems nullifies the claims that people in developed have over

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Kodak and fujifilm Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Kodak and fujifilm - Research Paper Example The executives at Kodak did not want to abandon the traditional film. They did not realize how digital cameras would become common within a short time. Since there was a slow transition of traditional to digital technology and competition from other companies, Kodak lost a considerable market share globally. By early 2012, Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection which was approved by the court for financing. Kodak was able to sell its patents to various companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft among others (Stuart, 2005). Fujifilm was started in 1934 and like Kodak, focused on imaging and photography. The company was at the top of the Japanese market and ranked the second best in film usage after the United States (Nakamura, 2000). Fujifilm entered the global market and made use of aggressive marketing with low prices. The company’s breakthrough was in 1984 when it chosen to be the official film of the Los Angeles Olympics. Fujifilm took its place in the global market permanently. This made it overtake Kodak’s market share since they offered similar products at a cheaper price. Fujifilm was fast to widen its business scope to printers, digital cameras, optical devices and photocopier. In addition, Fujifilm engaged its services into the health sector by producing medical equipments and machines such as x-ray imaging and chemicals (Nakamura, 2000). Kodak company failure to acknowledge innovation in the late 1970s could be blamed on the management’s approach (Haig, 2011). The management seemed to control from behind the desk right from the headquarters at Rochester. This made them become ignorant about the new inventions in technology and the increasing customer needs. They were advised to embrace the digital technology that they had created in 1975, but the management was reluctant. The main reason why Kodak remained behind was avoiding revolutionizing technology that led to the loss of market shares. This

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Solving problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Solving problems - Essay Example This article will also, among others, cover an action plan for the implementation and communication of the solution. In the recent past decades, the steel industry has morphed through copious changes and steel producers have had to adjust themselves to cope with the heightened competition within the industry as all players seek ways of achieving the much desired competitive advantage over rivals (Crandall, 1981). On its part, despite the massive investments in Information Technology, the competitiveness of USS has not changed much. A major concern lies in the USS’ high production cost that keeps it lagging behind its South Korean and English counterparts in terms of efficiency. This clearly came in the 1990s when the company’s inefficiency in its tracking system prompted the Ford Motor Company, one of its major clients, to threaten pulling out and to seek the services of other steel makers, citing USS’ production inconsistency as the major cause of this. The investment in IT seems to have helped but the company still faces major inventory and forecasting challenges. Prior to the major investments in IT, USS’ information flow between the company’s individual plants, factories and major clients could be summarized as inaccurate, inflexible and unmanageable (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2007). The company’s current challenge of high production costs is the main cause for the inventory and forecasting vicious cycle. Its deficiency in a competent tracking system has prompted increased inventories which in turn has lead to lots of wastage and translated to huge costs of containing the enormous amounts of steel within its inventory. Having lagged behind the major industry players, USS has to reinvent itself if it is to make any possible contributions to its already damaged reputation. The warning from Ford Motor Company should have served as a warning enough to trigger a major

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Adam smith biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Adam smith biography - Essay Example During this time he lectured on various topics, and he explained for the first time his ideas of "the obvious and simple system of natural liberty", which was the basis of his influential book entitled An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (The Wealth of Nations).1 Around 1750 Smith met the philosopher, economist and historian David Hume, one of the most famous figures of the Scottish Enlightment along Smith himself. They became close friends, and Smith was influenced by his works as it has been noted by many scholars. In 1751 Smith became a professor at Glasgow University where he lectured on logic and moral philosophy. In 1759 he published his book entitled The Theory of Moral Sentiments, which is concerned with the explanation of moral approval and disapproval. Smith finds in sympathy the solution to moral problems. After the publication of The Theory of Moral Sentiments Smith payed more attention to jurisprudence and political economics in his lectures. An account of these lectures by one of Smith’s students around 1763 was edited by E. Cannan in 1896. In 1763 Smith was hired as tutor to the young Duke of Buccleuch. During the next years (1764-1766) Smith travelled with his pupil to Switzerland and France, where he met many intellec tual leaders as Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Turgot, D’Alembert, Andrà © Morellet, Helvà ©tius, and Francois Quesnay, who was the head of the Physiocratic school whose works influenced Smith. Later on he also met Benjamà ­n Franklin.2 Smith retired from his post as tutor of the Duke of Buccleuch thanks to the life pension that he earned through that tutorship, and he returned home to Kirkcaldy, where he dedicated to the task of writing his most important work, The Wealth of Nations, which was published in 1776, the same year of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. His close friend Hume also died in that

Monday, July 22, 2019

Guidelines for Writing the Three Major Parts of the Literature Review Essay Example for Free

Guidelines for Writing the Three Major Parts of the Literature Review Essay The introductory section should describe the topic (problem area, guiding concept, theme or research question or problem) that is being reviewed. Aim for an â€Å"eye catching opening sentence†. Sometimes this is a dramatic expression of a number to catch the reader’s attention such as the prevalence of a disease, crime rate, school drop out rate, or sales volume. Be sure the topic is focused on the literature that will be reported. Briefly define the key concepts. Introduce these immediately. The topic should be sufficiently focused to permit an in-depth, substantial investigation, relevant to an area of advanced study/global leadership that guides a range of inquiry, results in an extensive search of scholarly literature, and generation of questions for further inquiry. The purpose of a literature review is presented in the introduction. Bourner (1996) reports the following Purposes – of a literature review – (reasons for a review of the literature) before embarking on a research project. These reasons include: †¢ to identify gaps in the literature  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ to avoid reinventing the wheel (at the very least this will save time and it can stop you from making the same mistakes as others) †¢ to carry on from where others have already reached (reviewing the field allows you to build on the platform of existing knowledge and ideas) †¢ to identify other people working in the same fields (a researcher network is a valuable resource) †¢ to increase your breadth of knowledge of your subject area †¢ to identify seminal works in your area †¢ to provide the intellectual context for your own work, enabling you to position your project relative to other work †¢ to identify opposing views †¢ to put your work into perspective †¢ to demonstrate that you can access previous work in an area †¢ to identify information and ideas that may be relevant to your project †¢ to identify methods that could be relevant to your project Bourner, T. (1996). The research process: Four steps to success in T. Greenfield (Ed. ), Research methods: Guidance for postgraduates (pp. 7-11). London: Arnold. Retrieved 8-13-02 from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology RMIT University http://www. lib. rmit. edu. au/tutorials/literature/litrev. html As you attempt to define concepts (variables) and their relationships to other variables, if applicable, identify causal (independent) variables and effects (dependent variables). You may also identify other variables that can be contextual, intervening, or mediating (see Creswell, pp. 94-95 or other texts). After you introduce the topic area properly (instructions follow), you will develop a succinct one-sentence purpose of the review. Three examples of a concluding purpose statement in the overview are: Example 1: The purpose of this review is to critically analyze the theoretical and empirical literature on web-based instruction as an instructional method in distance education, with an emphasis on effectiveness studies that focus on instructional effectiveness, student learning outcomes, retention, student perceptions of this method of course delivery, and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variable (independent) is â€Å"instructional method of web-based instruction† and the effects (dependent variable) are instructional effectiveness, student learning outcomes, retention, and student perceptions. Example 2: The purpose of this critical analysis of theoretical and empirical literature is to (a) examine historical and current literature to evaluate whether gender workplace bias exists; (b) explore the impact such a bias would have on women in the workplace, specifically women moving up the corporate ladder; and, (c) identify any theoretical or empirical gaps in the literature for the purpose of suggesting future areas of scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variable (independent) is â€Å"gender bias against women in the workplace† and the effect (dependent variable) is mobility up the corporate ladder. Example 3 (Review carefully): The purpose of this critical analysis of theoretical and empirical literature is explore the influence of organizational leadership and other factors on organizational performance, in for-profit and not-for profit service organizations, and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variables (independent) are â€Å"organizational leadership† and â€Å"other factors†, contextual (intervening or mediating) variables are the type of organization (product versus service) and profit/non-profit, and the effect (dependent variable) is organizational performance. Please note in developing your purpose statement, that the purpose statement begins with The purpose of †¦. and concludes with a statement related to identifying future areas of scholarly inquiry. 9 Instructions: Writing An Overview and Purpose (Follow precisely) *Review Blackboard Forum 5. Use your information and faculty comments for strengthening, as a guide to develop your Overview and Purpose (see items #1-9 below). *Draft 1 is due Week 3. Review Forum 6. You will get a great start if you develop this well. 1. Using the template: a. Develop a preliminary title for the Review and include on the title page. The title should include the main concepts and themes (and/or key theories) for this review. Remember this is a critical analysis of the literature NOT a research study!!!! In no area of this paper, should you refer to this Review of Literature as a research study!!!!!! b. For the Introduction to the Literature, insert a brief subtitle preceding the colon for the level heading: ___: Overview and Purpose. 2. Under the Overview and Purpose, introduce the paper with an â€Å"eye catching† opening sentence for the first paragraph. 3. After the â€Å"eye catching† opening sentence, briefly – describe the topic (problem area, guiding concept, theme). Get to the point – don’t let the reader guess what the review is about a few sentences. 4. Next include brief definitions of each of the major concepts and cite references for these definitions in appropriate APA format. BE BRIEF – this is not the literature but an introduction to it! Anything you present in the introduction is developed in depth in the Review of the Literature. 5. Next, very briefly, attempt to identify how the literature explains these variables and their relationships to other variables. Include as many as possible variables because this will help in constructing a literature map. The map will show relationships between the variables as you describe here. – Begin with the following: The causal variables (independent are) †¦ The effects (dependent/outcome variables are†¦ Contextual (intervening or mediating) variables that further impact the dependent or outcome variables are †¦. 6. Discuss how the topic area was identified and your reasons (point of view) for selecting the topic area to conduct your critical analysis of the literature. Review the Guidelines: How to Start Select a Topic and Overview and Purpose, including purposes identified by Bourner (1996). Begin with the following: The topic area of ____ was selected because___. 7. Explain what you want to know about the topic. Review Hart, 1999, p. 14 (Questions the Review Can Answer). Begin with the following: Some questions to be answered through this critical analysis of the literature are:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8. Answer the following: Is the topic about the problems in a discipline or field of study, the processes in a discipline or field of study, or the practices in a discipline or field of study? Processes can refer to various epistemologic processes to develop knowledge (also See Hart, 1999, p. 14). Introduce this clearly so the reader knows what you are speaking about. Begin with the following: The problem area of †¦ is about†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9. Conclude the Overview and Purpose with a clearly formulated statement of purpose of the literature review. Use the examples in the guidelines, as a guide to develop this. Make this clear (see examples in the previous lecture note). Begin with the following and include the ending The purpose of this †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.., and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. Organization of the Review, Scope, and Library Research Plan Organization of the Review Lecture Collect appropriate articles, read critically, identify concepts, theories, and themes, and think about the best way to present your topic. Write these concepts, theories, and themes down (see your Blackboard forum 5 submission and instructor response. Develop a Literature Map. This is a Content Map (Concept Map or Mind Map): All students will have a literature map that will guide the organization of the review and literature search. Build (draw) a visual picture of the concepts and their relationships, which results in a literature map. These evolve from your topic, key concepts, ideas, theme, and/or purpose. Don’t introduce new information or concepts. It should first be introduced in the overview. The literature map is presented in-depth here. There are many methods to organize the review, which often change as you learn more about the topic. Concept Mapping Representing information in diagram form where key words are linked by lines. These lines are then labeled to express the relationship between the terms. The resulting map shows links between key ideas and can then be read through to clarify relationships between key terms. a. Definition and Purpose of a Literature Map. This map is a visual/graphic representation of concepts, ideas, and themes that serve to guide thinking. In this case, the purpose is to guide the search and organizational presentation of your review. This map serves to: i. Develop ideas for your review ii. Show relationships and interrelationships between the concepts, theories, and themes – and if so, what type of relationships iii. Assist in organizing old knowledge and integrating it with new knowledge iv. Guide your literature search plan/strategy v. Identify subtitles (subheadings) to organize your literature review so that you can communicate your ideas systematically. vi. A literature/content map is a creative, intuitive, and artistic endeavor to see how things fit – to generate alternatives. It is also analytical and critical, based on what you are finding in the literature. REVIEW THESE LINKS A simplified explanation of understanding of a Content map is described in the following URL – web link – http://users.edte. utwente. nl/lanzing/cm_home. htm b. Various types of Graphic or Visual Organizers (review this online. Click each box) (you need to have the syllabus downloaded and Internet connection on) |Chain of Events |Clustering |Compare/Contrast | |Continuum |Cycle |Family Tree | |Fishbone |Interaction Outline |Problem/Solution | |Spider |Storyboard |Venn Diagram | Source: http://www. sdcoe. k12. ca. us/score/actbank/sorganiz. htm Other Web sites: Graphic or Visual Organizers Graphic or Visual Organizers: A good site review this online by clicking link. http://edservices. aea7. k12. ia. us/edtech/classroom/workshops/organizers. html http://www. cast. org/ncac/index. cfm? i=3015 http://www. veale. com. au/phd/files/Lit_Map. pdf Some diagrams of content maps are depicted in the following URL web link http://trochim. human. cornell. edu/research/epp2/epp2. htm#Table1 Free Mind Mapping Software (Smart Draw) http://www. smartdraw. com/specials/mindmapping. asp? id=13054 Readings on Mapping Ideas: See Hart, 1999, pp. 142-162 Blackboard’s Assignments Toolbar: See example of literature maps in Assignments – Weeks 1-8 Literature Review (Critical Analysis) 50%. Within this folder is information on PowerPoint Presentation and Student Examples. Most of the student examples include literature maps for RES 702 (RES600) students. Organizing the review of the literature by themes, theories, or major concepts and related concepts provides a â€Å"frame for the central topic† to organize. In this case, you may proceed inductively or deductively. http://trochim. human. cornell. edu/kb/dedind. htm Exercise in Deductive/Inductive thinking: http://www2. sjsu. edu/depts/itl/graphics/induc/ind-ded. html#3b For example, a deductive approach might start with the broader view or concept(s) then move to the specific topic area. Example FOLLOWS: A literature map (Figure 1) is used to guide the library search for theoretical and empirical literature about distance learning. The map shows a deductive pattern of the major themes, using an â€Å"interaction line style† type of graphic organizer. Beginning with the broadest concept of distance education, web-based instruction interacts with student characteristics, which leads to evaluation of effectiveness of web-based instruction in distance education. . . . Other concepts and their relationships to guide the review are . . †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Other Organizational Methodologies for Reviews: While RES 702 students are asked to develop literature maps that serve to organize the review, with more scholarly experience and depending upon the topic, you could also present the Review using an â€Å"opposing view† or â€Å"methodological approach†. This is not expected now. c. The literature map generates an outline for the Review of the Literature Review â€Å"Why do an Outline, and Basic Outlining skills: http://www. und. edu/instruct/wstevens/PROPOSALCLASS/PATRAS. html http://www. mnstate. edu/wasson/ed603/ed603lesson5. htm An outline provides a blueprint, skeleton, or a roadmap for the final written review. An outline is an organizational process that is a logical description of the important components of the literature review. It provides a visual and conceptual design for writing. 1. Identify the main points in the order they should be presented. 2. Differentiate each main heading into logical subheadings. 3. Use further subdivisions if necessary. IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT YOU INCLUDE A SECTION ON MEASUREMENT OF YOUR MAJOR VARIABLES. REPORT SOME OF THE MAJOR METHODS, TOOLS, OR INSTRUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN USED IN PRIOR STUDIES TO MEASURE THE KEY CONCEPTS IN YOUR OUTLINE. Notice in the outline that follows, a sub-level heading is measurement of leadership and organizational performance. In the Review of the Literature section, you would then describe the tools whether qualitative or quantitative, and reliability, validity (quantitative tools), and trustworthiness of qualitative tools. Run a Proquest or Google search such as: â€Å"measurement leadership†. This saves you time in the QP and literature in the †dissertation† where you need to know how your variables have been studied and measured. It is best to have MORE detail in these themes. You can always change later. Example of an Outline: (Let us say that the following concepts are present in the literature map which could be Chain of Events, Clustering, or Interaction Outline. This is an example of an outline (quite detailed). It includes the major concepts that can be used for the literature search, and the outline is placed in the 2nd part of this Review (Review of the Literature) to organize how to present the literature. Leadership Classical, Progressive, Risk Leadership Theories Traits and Characteristics of Leaders; Leadership, Power and Influence; Gender and Equity Issues in Leadership Practice Cultural Issues and Leadership Developing Teams Leading Organizational Change Organizational Leadership Development; Strategic Leadership Leadership Measurement Organizational Performance Dimensions of Organizational Performance Organizational Climate Individual Performance Team Performance Supplier/Vendor Perspectives Customer Satisfaction Financial Performance Effectiveness Indicators Performance Driven Organizations Competency Modeling Managing Performance 360 Degree Feedback Collaborative Change Organizational Performance Measurement: Output (Activities) and Outcome (Results) Measures Factors Influencing Organizational Performance Leadership and Performance of Organizations Leadership Style and Team Performance Leadership Style and Organizational Outcomes Leadership Style and Vendor/Supplier and Customer Satisfaction Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Effectiveness 7 Instructions for Writing the Organization of the Review Do not present literature that you reviewed here. Just respond to questions 1-7. 1. After you design the literature map, begin with the statement: A literature map (Figure 1) is used to guide the library search for theoretical and empirical literature in this review about ___. 1. Next, describe the specific type of organizer that you used to design your map (for example, cluster, chain of events, cycle, etc). To do this, you need to review this syllabus on line, and click the different URL links of examples of visual or graphic organizers (review preceding lecture which provides several types). 2. Identify the specific the concepts, theories, and themes that are in your literature map. 3. Next, briefly, describe the relationships between these concepts, theories and themes (such as what leads to what? Which are the causal, outcome and/or intervening variables? Are the concepts organized inductively or deductively? This all refers to the concepts, theories, and themes in your literature map. 4. Next explain that in addition to guiding the literature search, the literature map serves to identify themes, theories, and concepts that will organize the Literature Review. Present these theories, concepts, and themes in outline form, differentiating each main heading into logical subheadings. (Keep it simple). 5. Due for draft 1, go to the next major section (Review of the Literature) – insert these themes/concepts as level headings/sublevel headings in outline form. They serve to organize the Review of the Literature. Use appropriate APA (see p. 113 of APA) level headings. An example using APA level headings, is shown in the next major section of these guidelines. The concepts and themes for the example, uses the outline of themes previously discussed (leadership and organizational performance). 6. Insert the Figure 1, Literature Map at the end of this discussion of the Organization of the Review (before Scope and Context). a. Make sure that you develop your literature map in a software application that can be copied and pasted into your Microsoft word document containing your paper. b. Make sure the map is an appropriate size and fits within the required paper margins. c. The Figure and #, and Title (Literature Map) belong at the bottom, centered: Figure 1 Literature Map Your goal is to have the map well-developed in draft 1 and finalized in (draft 2). It is expected that this map will change as you â€Å"tighten† and â€Å"organize your literature review in the next section† as well as well as in your qualifying paper. Refine this part with each new draft (and particularly as your literature map evolves). Scope and Context Lecture This section lets the reader know what is and is not included in your literature review (scope). The topic is described in such a way that an appropriate context for the review of the literature is established, in a meaningful, logical way. The key terms here are included/excluded. You can restate the theories, concepts and constructs that you will include and obvious theories, concepts and constructs you won’t include (Look at your problem and topic area). Identify what might be included in the search in terms of types of organizations (public/private; for-profit, not for profit; service/product; types of businesses, types of educational institutions); populations such as young versus old; gender; cultural groups; countries; or type of occupation. The major types of scholarly literature to review are: empirical studies, review articles (critical analysis), theoretical articles/books, methodological articles, and case studies. These types of literature may be in the form of a book, hard copy journal articles, and electronic journal articles. The following are different types and forms of literature: Periodical Abstract in a primary source, Abstract in a secondary source, Periodical (hard copy), Periodical (electronic), Non-periodical (Book), Non-periodical (chapter in a book), Proceeding of meetings or symposia, Doctoral Dissertations (including abstracts), Unpublished work, Audio-Visuals, Newspaper, Government documents, and Electronic Media. 5 Instructions for Writing the Scope and Context 1. As you write this, discuss what is and is not included. Regarding the topic or problem area, discuss what is and is not included in terms of concepts/theories, applications to different populations and settings. 1. Identify the forms (not types) of publications that are included. You don’t need to name specific articles, but identify the forms of literature to be included. 2. Identify the discipline(s) you are focusing in (e. g. , education, health, business, criminal justice, accounting, sociology)? Included specialized areas within these disciplines, such as: gender theories in sociology, accounting ethics, special education for specified populations, urban violence, etc. 3. Identify the scope in terms of the years (period of time) that your literature review covers and exclusions. 5. Discuss whether you are limiting your review to U. S. literature, and/or Global literature. For global literature, identify the â€Å"countries†. If seminal books are emphasized, include the titles. Refine this part with each new draft (and particularly as your literature expands). Library Research Plan and Strategy Lecture THIS IS THE PLAN, NOT THE REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE!! The review is presented in the second major section (Review of the Literature) Searching the Literature: A good review of the literature is dependent upon knowledge of the use of indexes and abstracts, the ability to conduct exhaustive bibliographic searches, and ability to organize the collected data meaningfully. Information literacy skills assist with information seeking and retrieval methods and scholarly communication. Recognize scholarly and peer reviewed journals (See Week 1 Lecture). The e-Learning tutorials about Lynn Library can assist research students with the development of literature reviews using electronic databases, abstracts, bibliographic software, Internet searching, Library catalogue searching, subject resources, off-campus searching, and research and writing skills. You need to complete the tutorials. Library Research Plan/Strategy: In reporting your library plan/strategy, identify concepts, themes (key words) or descriptors and search the relevant databases for research on your topic. Be consistent with the Literature map concepts and themes. Focus your search on primary scholarly works including: empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological inquiry. Recognize the differences between these types of scholarly inquiry. Review dissertation abstracts. Did you do a Lynn Library catalog search on the topic (at Lynn)? Did you search selected journals? Did you limit the search to peer-review journals? Did you limit the search to certain years? If you are having difficulty in your library search, you may make an appointment with the Reference Librarian who may assist in building effective search strategies. When visiting the Library, you should come prepared with your search words. Requesting Materials: It is suggested that you read the abstracts before requesting the materials from the Librarian, because certain abstracts may provide enough information to help you make a decision on the material’s relevance. Expect that you will obtain more literature than you will need to include in your literature review. Quantity, however, is not as important as selecting appropriate literature, that is of value and relevant. While many published review articles may have more than 100 cited references, due to time constraints in the course, the expectation is a minimum of 20 â€Å"relevant†, scholarly citations in the text of your paper. Do not go overboard. Quality and relevance is what counts. Don’t use references from â€Å"consulting firms† or firms that are â€Å"promoting† their products or services. Look for scholarly publications. Types and Forms of Literature: Minimum Requirements i. The preference is that you review a variety of types and forms of literature so that you many learn to: ii. Search for and evaluate different types and forms information iii. Integrate a variety of types information in the text of your paper iv. Recognize classic (seminal) works as well as current literature Give yourself time to read the material; do not make a library request for everything at once. Readings: Search Strategy worksheet: http://library. humboldt. edu/infoservices/sstrawrksht. htm http://www. noodletools. com/debbie/literacies/information/5locate/adviceengine. html http://www. lynn. edu/clientuploads/Library/Graduatestudentsmanual. doc 11 Instructions for Writing the Library Research Plan and Strategy In a Review, a discussion of the plan or strategy you used to develop your literature search is presented. Don’t discuss what you â€Å"will† do, but rather â€Å"what you did†. 1. Identify the descriptors (concepts, themes, theories, phrases/key words) used to search the relevant databases for research on your topic. Include â€Å"themes† or groups of words used in the search plan. Add the terms â€Å"theory† or â€Å"research† to your themes when you are searching. You should uses many â€Å"themes† to limit the search. Example of a theme for a library search: â€Å"leadership organizational performance research†. Try to include several themes. 2. Report databases used in your library search. 3. Indicate which of the following types of primary scholarly works were reviewed: empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological inquiry (aim to obtain all of these)? 4. Were secondary citations of references used in your paper? Explain Why? Review APA p. 247 to understand a secondary citation of a source. Remember that these need to be limited. In your dissertation, you need to mostly use primary sources of literature. Remember that if you report literature from secondary sources in your paper use (as cited in __). 5. Explain if you reviewed dissertation abstracts (yes/no). If so, on what topics, which abstracts? You should use these. 6. Explain if you did a Library catalog search on the topic (at Lynn or where? ) Yes/ or no 7. Provide the titles of the key journals reviewed. (Put these titles in Italics). 8. Indicated whether or not you limited the search to peer-reviewed journals? 9. Indicate if you limited the search to certain years? If so, which years? 10. Refer the reader to the example of a library Search Print-out that you will place in Appendix A. 11. Report any problems encountered in your library search and how these problems were managed. Refine this part with each new draft. Interest, Significance, and Rationale for the Critical Analysis Lecture In this last part of the introduction to the literature review, you explain the importance and significance of the Review that will follow. As you read more, you will find more rationale as to why this review is important. Provide a transition sentence from this Introduction to the Review of the Literature. Then end with a statement that explains how the Review will conclude in the Discussion section. Example of concluding statement: As an emerging method of instructional delivery in higher education, and one that continually evolves with the growth in technology, it is important to understand its impact on learning, retention, instruction, and students. This critical analysis of the literature concludes with a summary and interpretation of theoretical, empirical, and methodological literature, conclusions, and recommendations for future scholarly inquiry into web-based instruction in distance education. 4 Instructions for Writing the Interest, Significance, and Rationale for the Critical Analysis 1. Discuss if the topic is of limited interest, regional, national, or perhaps of global interest? Explain why? You can include personal interest based on experience and potential applications. 2. Describe why it is worth studying (or examining)? 3. Indicate that the presentation of the Review of the Literature follows 4. Develop a concluding statement (see example above, in lecture) to the effect that a synopsis and interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are presented at the end of the review in the discussion section. Refine this part with each new draft. Review of the Literature About ___ (add your topic) Lecture This is the second major part of this critical analysis. This has a long lecture. Now is the time to write â€Å"your in-depth Literature Review†. You laid the foundations for this section in the Introduction to the Review, to organize your review according to those themes. Present the theoretical literature (theories, model, constructs, concepts) about those themes, and empirical literature (studies) regarding those themes, in a proper manner. Follow the instructions (see presenting theoretical literature, and presenting empirical literature) in this Review of the Literature section. If you present the literature appropriately in this body of the review, then you will have information to present in the Discussion of the Literature. If you don’t, this Review falls apart. Only literature presented in this Review of the Literature can be analyzed in the next section, Discussion of the Literature. You will save a stitch in time, if you follow instructions and learn how to present theories, and how to present studies, including the authors stated limitations and recommendations for future inquiry, in addition to your critique of those studies. †¢ General comments: The theoretical and empirical literature is summarized, analyzed, evaluated, and synthesized in a more in-depth â€Å"coherent† manner within organized headings and sublevel headings. Specifically, information pertaining to theoretical, empirical, methodological, critical review, and case studies about the topic is reported. As reported previously, expect that you will obtain more literature than you will need to include in your literature review. Quantity, however, is not as important as selecting appropriate literature to present, that is of value and relevant. While many published Review articles may have more than 100 cited references, due to time constraints in the course, the expectation is a minimum of 20 â€Å"relevant†, scholarly citations in the text of your paper. This will increase to 50 references in the qualifying paper. It certainly isn’t unusual to have over 100 references in a dissertation. Do not go overboard. Quality and relevance is what counts. Don’t use references from â€Å"consulting firms† or firms that are â€Å"promoting† their products or services. Look for scholarly publications. As you present literature in your â€Å"word† document, it is okay to talk to yourself. Make notes in the document to your self. You can use different font colors or highlights for these messages to yourself. o Perhaps you want to leave a message to yourself to review a particular article that you didn’t yet have the chance to review, or o you want to search another theme. o Or you read an article, but didn’t have a chance yet to write about it – jot down notes o Use the word file as a tool where you keep all information in one place. You will find this technique very helpful in developing the qualifying paper, and in developing the your dissertation. The instructor does not mind (and in fact encourages you do to this, even in final copies0. Just make the messages â€Å"neat† – and not to distracting) Of utmost importance, is that you present your review appropriately. Practice doing it correctly immediately or you will be WASTING time (having to redo it later). †¢ Your review must be organized within the headings/sublevel headings. Insert the outline developed in the Introduction to the Review. Make sure that the outline is consistent with the organization of themes, concepts add theories in your literature map. †¢ It is ok if you reorganize or rename the themes, but make the changes if the Organization of the R (and literature map, in the prior section). You want the Introduction to the Review, Review of the Literature, and the Discussion section all to be â€Å"internally consistent† with one another. †¢ Instructions follow on how to present CRITICALLY present, theoretical and empirical literature. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Quotations and Paraphrasing and Critical Analysis †¢ This is a literature review, and not your opinion.

Biography Of Tim Burton Film Studies Essay

Biography Of Tim Burton Film Studies Essay His first job for Disney was in The Fox and the Hound (1981). This first work was brief because the studies considered the artistic profile of Burton would fit more in the conceptual art of the Black Cauldron. The Burton designs and ideas for both films were not used to not be understood by Disney. After leaving work on the Disney movie Tim Burton began to develop more personal projects, including his first two shorts, (Vincent and Frankenweenie ) the quale they had very good acceptance by the critics and the public. Also began to write and illustrate a Christmas poem, which years later would charge life, Nightmare Before Christmas. Burton befriended Julie Hickson executive and manager of creative development of Disney, Tom Wilhite, amazed by his talent decided to finance his first short film Vincent to $ 60,000. It was during this time that Burton learned and specialization in the art of stop motion, for two months along with other entertainers Burton skilled in the art, Vincent created a black and white story, based on some stories of Edgar Allan Poe. To achieve this Tim Burton enlisted the help of his favorite actor Vincent Price who gave voice to the narration of the story. The play received numerous awards in Chicago and France, still not commercialized Disney ever. In 1984, Burton created his first non-animated short film, Frankenweenie it was based on Frankestain of James Whale, the play was a childs efforts to resurrect his dog Sparky hit by a car. For this short featured actors Burton Barret Oliver, David Stern and Shelly Duval. The film received a Saturn Award nomination. However, at the end of production Disney Tim Burton decided to dismiss, holding that the short was too scary for younger audiences. It was not until 1994 after the success of future work of Burton when he began selling. 1.2.4-The consolidation of Burton as director and producer. The big venture of Pee-wee: Despite the failed working with Disney, Burtons work began to have some spread and caught the attention of some producers. Griffin Dune including that offered Burton directing a comedy called After Hours in 1985, was finally Martin Scorssese in charge of directing this movie. That same year the actor Paul Rubens Burton offered to direct a film about his famous comic character Pee-wee Herman. This work was the first Tim Burton film as director and production was a success since its initial cost 7 million dollars, box office obtained profits of more than 40 million dollars. In that same movie Tim Burton Danny Elfman asked to compose the soundtrack of the same, and so begin a director-composer collaborations more consolidated in the history of cinema. Beetlejuice: In 1988, Tim Burton took the opportunity to direct his second film, Beetlejuice was a black comedy. The film told the story of a couple that after buying a nice house with a fatal traffic accident. After discovering his tragic end the couple, now ghosts trying to make out the new tenants of the house with the help of an eccentric bioexorcist Beetlejuice. This time the film featured in the cast, Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, Alec Bldwin, and Geena Davis. Received several awards including an Oscar for best makeup and box office earnings of 80 million dollars. Batman: A Burton was offered in 1989 the possibility of directing the first feature film from the Batman comic book character. The director accepted the job, provided they can choose the actors and film aesthetics. Burton and producers Warner Bros have been involved in numerous discussions of pre-production, as Burton wanted Michael Keaton as an actor who had worked with in Beetlejuice and the producers were thinking of a more muscular actor. Following the aesthetic of comic Burton finally got what he wanted, to use Keaton in the role of Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker, with the intention of attracting the public uninterested in superhero movies. The film was a success, and he got more than 400 million dollars, becoming the most successful movie of all time movies so far. Additional aesthetic mind chosen by Tim Burton for the city of Gotham City was adapted in the following comics. 1.2.5-The prodigious decade: Edward Scissorshands: In 1990, Burton wrote a new feature this would be interpreted by the idol of youth at the time that Johnny Depp would play the character of Edward, a being created by an eccentric scientist (Vincent Price, who play his last role before his death). Edward had human appearance but after the death of its creator was unfinished and had hands instead of one large scissors. Edward Scissorhands was filmed in Florida and is considered by many fans and critics of Burton as the best of his works, surely Edward Scissorhands is the work collected over the Burton aesthetic that makes a filmmaker unlike any other, either texture, color, character design or objects. Batman Returns: Although Warner Bros would not produce Edward Scissorhands, he was offered the opportunity to direct the sequel to Batman Returns, Burton accepted the condition of having full creative powers. For that film was Burton Michael Keaton again in the role of Batman, Danny DeVito in the role of the Penguin and Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman. The film received a lot of criticism for being too dark and not very close to children. Still get a revenue of 160 million dollars, the Warner Bros. decided not to have the services of Tim Buton upon learning that he was preparing a new dry with an aesthetic similar to that of Batman Return. So Burton decided to start preparing a new project, this time returning to its roots as an animator. Nightmare Before Christmas: Tim Burton had planned to write and illustrate a childrens story, but in 1993 just changing that story in his next film. Nightmare Before Christmas, is his great work of animation. Directed by Henry Selick, the film tells the story of Jack Skeleton, the king of Halloween, who wants to understand Christmas, adapting their habits as monarch to carry out this holiday. The film was made using Stop Motion techniques and although there was an overwhelming success at the box office, is considered a cult film and one of the best musical film ever made it. Ed Wood: In 1994, Burton made one of his lesser known films, a narrative biography of Ed Wood, considered the worst filmmaker of all time. Burton pays homage to the director (played by Johnny Depp) which considers a direct influence, for its horror and fantasy in this film involved Martin Landau, Bill Murray and Lisa Marie. Although there was much less commercial success, helped the Burton film cogiera more fans and reopen the interest in the film Ed Wood. Batman Forever: Despite its intention to conduct the next part of Batman, Warner Bros. decided it would be the director Joel Schumacher with the intention of bringing the film to children and Tim Burton would make his work as a producer. This fact caused that Michael Keaton to resign his role as protagonist, and was hired Val Kimler in place. Tim Burton aesthetic differ in many aspects of the film which was contrary. The film generated $ 335 million and Warner, hired Schumacher to fourth, where Tim Burton no longer participate. Mars Attacks!: In 1996 Tim Burton returns to direct a feature film is trying to Mars Attacks! This film is a hybrid of science fiction films of the 50th and the total destruction of the 70th went unnoticed at the box office, surely the fact first 5 months after the Independent Day, made the film to be discredited by critics and public American, but had very good reviews abroad and won many admirers in marketing in VHS and DVD. Sleepy Hollow: In 1999 Tim Burton returned to his more eccentric and supernatural world, based on a story by Washington Irving, which tells the story of the Headless Horseman. Featuring a new interpretation of Johnny Depp in the role of Forensic and Christina Ricci in the role of Karina Van Tassel. The film won an Oscar for best art direction and two BAFTA awards in the categories of Best Production Design and Best Costume. 1.2.6-Year 2000. Planet of the Apes: After his breakup with his wife Lisa Marie, Burton conducted a remake of the 1968 film of Franklin Schaffner. The film was a success, earning 68 million dollars in the first week of release. Still, the film was widely panned by critics and fans of Burton, to get away entirely from its style and dark, nihilistic style of the first version. Despite finishing with an open ending does not seem to be any intention on the part of Burton to continue the saga. Big Fish: In 2003, Burton surprised everyone again with a custom Disney, Big Fish is a film away from the dark world of Burton but that recreates an imaginary fantasy world full of surprises. The film received four nominations for Golden Globe And for many fans is the most amazing film. In this film, Burton had the interpretation of Ewan McGregor and his new wife Helena Bonham Carter. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Johnny Depp again which seems to be their star player, Tim Burton made this film based on a story by Roald Dahl, the film was a blockbuster hit 207 million in the U.S. alone. Characterization, and the voice of Johnny Depp in the role of Willy Wonka, was recognized in many ways as a film icon and aesthetic. 9: Tim Burton produced this animated film in 2009, the film received much criticism, even that is considered a beautiful aesthetic work, but lack of narrative. It is the first animated film that Tim Burton does not opt for the technique of stop motion and computer-created in its entirety. Alice in Wonderland: It is the latest project of Tim Burton so far, this commission from Disney, will debut in early 2010, and was the first film in which the director has used the technique of 3D. Based on the acclaimed work of Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. Was criticized by fans to move far from their darkest work I have incorporated many Disney items. 2. THE ART DIRECTION 2.1- Aspects work of Tim Burton. When talking about aspects of the work of Burton, one must be aware that is not a conventional director, his work is mostly very personal issues, issues which have been consolidated in the audience and created a large pool of supporters and fans. When one analyzes the work of Burton put on his work with his film biography, which is particularly relevant as an artist who often uses his life experience and the elements that shaped his sentimental education. Situation is examined within the context of the Hollywood industry and explores the aesthetic and thematic constants that make up its visual poetry. It addresses gender concerns, the notion of fantasy and Gothic-Expressionist tradition to understand the work of an author who re interprets the cultural tradition from the perspective of post-modern. Addresses the problems and contradictions posed by both the traditional concept of film genres as the auteur theory. It is shown that not only approaches are compatible, but can also become complementary approaches that contribute to the depth and richness of film debate. It talks about the particular generic reflection made by the filmmaker in his films, connecting with the characteristics of postmodern culture in which it is immersed. We can say that Burton has done what he wanted and how much more freedom the author has been most successful has been his work as staff is much much deeper and more spectacular. Burtons work, as well as its broad scope, it is more appropriate to consider more than a genre, a mode of art that various related forms emerge. Referred to the existing theories about the fantastic, the subversive potential and its psychoanalytic implications. It puts a special interest in his themes and myths, as they all are evoked in the Burton films. Also includes the work of the filmmaker as a continuation of a tradition Gothic Expressionism, a continuous movement whose spirit, aesthetic and vital position opposed to the rationalistic attitude of classicism. It takes a journey through the elements of a tradition that Burton has been collected mainly through its cinema events. Tim Burtons heir and successor of the romantic spirit, its atmosphere and features icon-phy, aesthetics of the uncanny, his macabre sense of humor, the denunciation of social hypocrisy and society that denies freedom and individual identity, its emphasis on subjectivity, intuition and the irrational. Tim Burton is a very detailed, very thorough in their staging, from design, photography and music composed by Danny Elfman become key elements of dramatic expression. We consider Edward Scissorshands and Nightmare before Christmas, as two of its films that include and represent all poetic and visual work of director. Since in these two films is the very essence of the author, personal visually despendedoras the full potential of California director. 2.2-Influences: As an author, Tim Burton has had his artistic influences, both film, and painting. In this section we review their main influences, and the basic characteristics of his style. Any person who enters into the imagination of Tim Burton will realize that this is not a conventional writer, with a very personal style, and all his movies are some characteristics or aesthetic and narrative patterns. 2.2.1-Pictorial influences: We can find some reminiscences to German expressionism, particularly in some perspectives, altering the scenery, the kind of light and shadow and also on the themes of his films. Some authors of the movement, as Grosz or Otto Dix. Burton is also influences the Polish poster from the mid-twentieth century. The author surreal expressionism, Paul Klee tube also great significance in the beginning of the film director, especially in making puppets for his early films like Vincent or Nightmare Before Christmas. 2.2.2-Literary Influences: Without doubt the main literary influence of Tim Burton comes from Edgar Allan Poe, American writer, is considered one of the pioneers of the short story, and the father of the renovation of the Gothic, with their tales of terror. Unlike other authors such as Roger Corman, Burton has not shot any film based on a story by Edgar Allan Poe, but it has done with other authors like Washington Irving (Sleppy Hollow), Lewis Carroll (Alice in the wonders) (Sweeney Todd) based on the musical by Stephen Sondheim or (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) by Roald Dahl and others. 2.2.3-Cinematic influences: Roger Corman is without doubt the great influence of Burton, his films of series B, Burton served as inspiration for many other directors. Roger Corman became famous in the 60s, go to the movies by Edgar Allan Poe stories and mixing genres of science fiction, horror and the occult in low-budget films, using actors low popularity as Boris Karloff or Bela Lugosi , or with actors little known at the time as Peter Fonda Jack Nicholson or Robert De Niro. Most Corman films were performed by Vincent Price, favorite actor and close friend of Burton used frequently at the beginning of this director. See Frankenweenie, or Edward Scissorhands. Princes last film before his death in 1993. Cormans influence is mainly reflected in films like Ed Wood and Mars Attacks. In Ed Wood, Tim Burton pays homage to another series B director, Ed Wood as the worst filmmaker of all time. 2.3-Technic recourses. 2.3.1-Stop Motion. Tim Burton is without doubt one of the most renowned film directors by the use of unconventional techniques for recording of his films, one of these techniques is the Stop Motion animation technique is to generate motion by displaying static objects photographs or successive frames at a given speed, creating the illusion of movement. This incredible technique began with Ladislaw Starewicz with the short film The Cameramans Revenge in which dead insects used to tell the story of a family destroyed by infidelity. Usually use 29 frames per second, which generate the illusion of movement giving the films made with this technique a realism as close to a conventional film. This fascinating technique requires time and patience for the detailed movements of the actors to others in an acceptable knowledge of photography, so Tim Burton has always surrounded by great directors of photography, in the case of Pete Kozachik, manager the technical section in such films as The Nightmare Before Christmas or Corpse Bride. We consider that Tim Burton is one of the artists who have promoted this technique in the last two decades, and why not say is who re-discovered this technique in the new public disuse in the 90s. Due to its popularity as a director and artist has made the genre of Stop Motion animation is made a place in the film industry. Burton himself has been linked in other photographic animation projects, some of them as a producer and some others as a collaborator. This is the case of The Nightmare Before Christmas, Burtons own work, but under the direction of Henry Selick, director also of other projects under the signature of Tim Burton, and James and the Giant Peach or coral. In the future, Burton is expected to redo any work using the technique of stop motion, some rumors say they may be Dear Dead Days, Charles Addams work he did in 1937 and subsequently came to TV screens under the title Addams Family in 1964. The work of Charles Addams is surely close to the Burton films especially recalling works such as The Nightmare Before Christmas Sweeny Todd or obscure pieces, with touches of macabre humor. 2.3.2-3D Animation. Tim Burton not only traditional techniques used for the filming of his animated films, however it was not until 2009, when the California director dared with a 100% digital. 9 was the title of his first work in 3D, which was a box office bomb, and certainly his least known works, the universe of apocalyptic 9 was directed by Shane Acker and produced and supervised by Burton. This first experience will not cower and Burton in 2010, premiere Alice in Wonderland, based on Lewis Carrolls books Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, directed by Tim Burton, and produced Disney Pictures The film was a box office hit but was severely challenged by critics and fans. In interviews after the release, Burton says the 3D technique is perfect for his latest film and claims to build his next film (a remake of Frankenweenie gilt work) thinking about the qual this technology brings extra realism to the viewer, However, he admits that is not going to go crazy and will not abandon the classic film format. 3-TIM BURTONS FILM ANALYSIS I chose Edward Scissorhands and Big Fish are two of the films in my opinion more representative of the work of Burton, the first of its popularity and to represent and act out all the poetic and visual narrative that represents the California director. The second has been chosen as the authors lesser-known films by the general public, and to have markedly different aesthetic in Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish still well preserved and fantastic narrative structure that characterizes the work of Tim Burton . Another of the facts that I have been decanted from Big Fish have been the thirteen years between a film and the other, and appreciate the evolution of cinema as well as an analysis of the time they were shot, the motives that pushed Burton to record these movies and what messages the author tries to convey to the viewer in each of them. 3.1-Edward Scissorhands Synopsis: The film begins with a colloquial conversation between an elderly woman and her granddaughter, which viewed from the window as snow falls and, curious, asks her grandmother the reason it snows. So, she begins her story His story begins when a makeup saleswoman named Peg, enters a house to sell beauty products. On entering the place is with Edward, a young man who was created from a robot and was not finished after the death of its creator, running with scissors instead of hands. Touched by his kindness and innocence decided to take him home. No one in her family (her husband Bill and son Kevin) seem uncomfortable with the presence of Edward and even the neighbors are interested in the mysterious guest Peg. However, to get Kims eldest daughter, Peg, it triggers a series of problems because it does feel uncomfortable with Edward at home. Edward falls in love with her. Edward Scissorhands Technical Data: Production year: 1990 Country: United States Director: Tim Burton Production: Twentieth Century Fox Producers: Tim Burton and Denise Di Novi Executive Producer: Richard Hashimoto Associate Producer: Caroline Thompson Argument: Tim Burton and Caroline Thompson Writer: Caroline Thompson Music: Danny Elfman Director of Photography: Stefan Czapsky Art Director: Tom Duffield Scenery: Rich Heinrichs (design) and Cheryl Carasik (decoration) Costume Design: Colleen Atwood Editing: Richard Halsey Hair Design: Yolanda Toussieng Makeup: Stan Winston Special effects supervisor: Michael Wood Duration: 107 minutes Starring: Johnny Depp: Edward Winona Ryder Kim Boggs Dianne Wiest: Peg Boggs Vincent Price: Inventor Anthony Michael Hall: Jim Kathy Baker: Joyce Monroe Robert Oliveri: Kevin Boggs Conchata Ferrell: Helen Alan Arkin: Bill Boggs Caroline Aaron: Marge O-Lan Jones: Esmeralda Dick Anthony Williams Officer Allen ÂÂ   3.2-Big Fish Synopsis: Edward Bloom is a man who recounts moments of her life by adding great features. When it does at the wedding of his son Will, it stops talking for years. Will work as a journalist in Paris when his fathers health worsens, Will returns with his wife Josephine to Alabama. On the plane, Will tells one story of her father, she knew a witch who showed him how he would die by looking through his glass eye. Throughout the film, Edward has some stories to tell of moments of his life. For example, explains that as a child, he spent three years in bed due to its rapid growth. After this, he becomes a successful athlete, but I think the town where he lives is too small for their ambitions. After meeting Karl, a misunderstood giant, began a journey with him. Edward goes through a haunted forest and reaches a village where she meets a poet called Norther Winslow. Before leaving the village, he promises to Jenny, a girl he met, he would return someday. Big Fish Technical Data: Production year: 2003 Country: United States Director: Tim Burton Production: Columbia Pictures Producers: Bruce Cohen, Dan Jinks Executive Producer: Arne Schmidt Associate Producer: Katterli Framentelder Plot: Daniel Wallace Writer: John August Music: Danny Elfman Director of photography: Philippe Rousselot Art Direction: Roy Barnes, Robert Fechtmen Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh Costume Design: Colleen Atwood Editing: Chris Chamia Hair Design: Coni Address Makeup: Gloria Belz Special Effects Supervisor: Eric Allard Length: 125 minutes Starring: Ewan McGregor: Young Ed Bloom Albert Finney: Senior Ed Bloom Jessica Lange: Senior Sandra Bloom Alison Lohman: Young Sandra Bloom Billy Crudup: Will Bloom Steve Buscemi: Norther Winslow Danny DeVito: Amos Calloway Helena Bonham Carter: Jenny Young, Jenny Senior, The Witch Matthew McGrory, Karl the Giant

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nostalgia In Cinema Paradiso Film Studies Essay

Nostalgia In Cinema Paradiso Film Studies Essay In Cinema Paradiso, Toto goes to watch a film with 50 lire his mother gives him to buy milk. He is not supposed to go to the cinema house and yet he cant  stay away from Cinema Paradiso. In this scene, we see Toto watching the film in awe along with others from the community. The theater is packed and alive. Gisueppe Tornatore, the director, pays great attention to detail-facial expressions, gestures and reactions of the crowd are well captured. The theater stall and balcony reflect the class divide. The kids take the front row, working class Italians fill the stall, the rich man, who spits sits in the balcony, and the projectionist, Alfredo is stuck in the dingy projection room. Like Toto, I watched films when I was in school. I bunked school and went with my friends to watch an Indian Bollywood film in Mumbai, India. We all chipped in our pocket money and went for the movies. Like Italian Cinema, Indian films were an occasion for families and communities to come together. This was before the multiplexes. The cinema house that I visited was small like Cinema Paradiso. It had one screen, stalls and balcony. People whistled during kissing scenes, some kids danced during a song-dance sequence and grown men sometimes cried during an emotional scene. In that scene in Cinema Paradiso, Toto is watching La terra Trema (The Earth Trembles) directed Luchino Visconti.  The audience reception of the film is lukewarm and most people dont get the language and context of this Neorealism film. But during the kissing scene which is edited out, we see the crowds engrossed, disappointed and then laughing at the strict censorship. Twenty years, and I havent seen a kiss, a man from the audience shouts. During the screening of the Chaplin film, we see the crowd engaged. Kids and adults, rich and poor, men and women laugh together. Cinema thus becomes a great equalizer. But more importantly, this embedded film within a film creates a sense of double nostalgia. The audience in the film is nostalgic as they consume the images in the theater, and we as an audience are nostalgic about our own experiences of watching films, etc like Toto. In Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Jameson writes, Nostalgia films restructure the whole issue of pastiche and project it onto a collective and social level, where the desperate attempt to appropriate a missing past is now refracted through the iron law of fashion change and the emergent ideology of the generation. (19). In Cinema Paradiso, the screened films (Toto and others watch in the theater) create a pasticheHollywood classics, Italian and Art films, popular comedies and so on. However, Jameson explains that the postmodern nostalgia is never a matter of some old-fashioned representation of historical content, but instead approaches the past through stylistic connotation, conveying pastness by the glossy qualities of the image, and 1930s-ness or 1950s-ness by the attributes of fashion (19). Thus keeping Jamesons argument in mind, Cinema Paradiso doesnt represent the historical content by verisimilitude, but evokes the feeling of nostalgia by aesthetic a ppropriation. However, this seems to be a reductive approach to fully understand and appreciate the nuances and texture of Tornatoras film. Joy Marcus, on the other hand argues that in Cinema Paradiso, Tornatore defies the reductiveness of postmodern citation by embedding earlier film footage in his 1989 work so that waning of historicity or aesthetic colonization cannot take place. Every time Tornatora splices images of old movies into Cinema Paradisohe calls attention to what the film is not-that is, he announces the irreconcilable distance between the current work and its cinematic forebears (201). There is a disconnect or distance between the Cinema Paradisos audience watching the embedded film La terra Trema and a simultaneous feeling of connection. Likewise, we also feel a sense of nostalgia and disconnection watching Cinema Paradiso, and watching the audience watch a film. In my viewing of the film, I also noticed that Cinema Paradiso and this scene in particular created a sense of nostalgia for my community, culture and country. The connectedness that Toto and others feel in a small town going to a theater is also the connectedness we as viewers feel towards our past memories of childhood and community. My own experience of watching films in India then symbolizes a nostalgia for the lost homeland and sense of community I once belonged to. The cultural rootedness or lack of it, becomes a way in which the Cinema Paradiso evoked nostalgia for me-or as Jameson puts it eloquently, the film/scene/image consumption becomes a desperate attempt to appropriate a missing past.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The eye :: essays research papers

How Do We See?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Seeing involves more than opening our eyes. Through simple and fun experimentation the class will learn how the interaction of light, the eyes and the brain create the world we see. How Do We See?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our eyes are constantly feeding information to us. When we are born our eyes need time to get used to seeing and understanding what exactly it is that you are seeing. Given time and experience the eyes learn to take in light, focus it and send information to our brain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All that you have experienced to this point has involved seeing and gaining an understanding of all that goes on around you. Most of what you see involves a knowing of it from previous experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We perceive things. We build perception. Perception is not determined simply by looking at something but by our brain searching for the best conclusion of all the available information. When perception is wrong we are confused. Sometimes the eyes and brain come to the wrong conclusion and we get an illusion or hallucinate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When you look at something your eyes are sending information about color, shape, movement, depth and distance to your brain. Then the brain puts it all together so that you can identify the whole object. Seeing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first thing one need understand about seeing is that if there is no light one cannot see. We are all able to see because light is bouncing off just about everything. There is more to seeing than meets the eye. When you look at an object you are seeing light that is bouncing or reflecting off of that object. Our eyes can take in light directly from a source, like looking at a light bulb, or indirectly after light bounces off of things like the moon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When light bounces off of the surface of an object some light is absorbed and some light is reflected. We see only the light that is reflected or bounces off the object, so if you look at something that is blue that something you are looking at is absorbing all of the other colors and bouncing the color blue back at you.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second thing to understand about seeing is the eye and brain connection. The eyes are one of the most important tools we have to gather information for our brain. The Eyes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Light passes through a transparent part of the eye called the cornea. The cornea is a lens which bends light inward.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Canola :: Botany

Canola Canola, the term that is used to distinguish edible rapeseed oil, is the major oil crop in Canada, Western Europe and Asia. It is now drawing a major interest in the United States because of the movement towards a healthy lifestyle. In 1985 the U.S. Drug Administration labeled rapeseed off as "Generally Regarded as Safe" and since then United States imports of rapeseed off have risen to over 300 million pounds per year. In 1988 when the FDA approved the name "Canola" alone in product labeling, the final barrier was removed for widespread acceptance of this oil (2). The great interest in canola oil stems from its great nutritional qualities and its competitive cost compared to other vegetable oils. The interest in canola is not recent. As early as 2000 b.c. rapeseed was noted in ancient writings. This paper is going to cover the historical, economic, agricultural and taxonomic perspectives on this subject. References to oilseed rape, called sarson. were found in ancient Sanskrit writings as early as 2000 b.c. (1). The variety Brassica campestris is thought to be the oldest variety of rapes and mustards grown in India. In China the use of rapeseed cultivation is cloudy. However, old Japanese literature indicates the rapeseed was introduced about 2000 years ago directly from china (1). In Europe, populations of rape are reported in several different areas depending on the species. Turnip rape or Brassica campestris was more prevalent than Brassica napus, which was found in more restricted areas. The domestication of these two species occurred when the "weeds" in other fields were collected accidentally which happened to be rapeseed and value was found for these oily seeds. It is thought that rapeseed was cultivated in Europe to use for oil in places where the olive tree and poppy were unknown. Thus, it was never used by the Romans (5). Seeds from these two Brassicas have been found in very old German settlements in close proximity to millstones. The cultivation of rape in Europe supposedly occurred in about the thirteenth century. The oil was widely used in the latter part of the middle ages as lamp oil where it was later replaced by petroleum oils. Seeds were also used for illumination and soap making. Reports are conflicting but some reports say field cropping occurred as early as the 17th century. In Belgium the occurrence of rape started as an annoying weed until its oil began to be used.